Old Girls


One of the main goals in developing the Past Pupils has been to enhance our level of communication on as many fronts as possible. The Past Pupils aims to provide information to members related to the school and to assist with networking opportunities.

We, as the Past Pupils committee, are working passionately to involve you in as many aspects of the Past Pupils as possible.

We have many very skilled and talented Past Pupils spread all over the globe, please know that your support and input is greatly appreciated!

Our school is doing extremely well on all fronts and we as Past Pupils can hold our heads high and feel proud of being a St Dominic’s Old Girl, however, for the school to keep growing they need our full support, in fellowship and communication.

Please sign up and explore what we have to offer.

  • Newsletters
  • Big Sister Mentorship Programme
  • Matric dance red carpet welcome
  • Help us locate missing friends
  • In remembrance to old friends no longer with us.
  • Reunions
  • No membership fees
  • Join our Facebook groups – there are several….

Remember time passes, people move around… it’s integral to stay in touch so we can reach you down the line.

A small group of dedicated Past Pupils are working very hard to upgrade the school old girl records. We would love some help!! If anyone has a little time on their hands and would like to get involved in this worthwhile project, we would welcome your assistance.

We are also in need of some Past Pupils who have good memories and artistic flair to draw pictures of past uniforms.

Please also share your memoirs, photographs, memorabilia and suggestions with us.

Would you like to enjoy real fulfillment in life? Do you enjoy helping people achieve their dreams?

Join our Big Sister Mentorship Program as a Life and Career Coach.

We are very excited about this. Please share our excitement.


We would love to hear from you

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Contact Us

Contact: Administration Office - General
Contact: Accounts - Mrs Kruger
Contact: Pre-Grade Principal - Mrs Meyer
Contact: Junior School Principal - Mrs van Dyk
Contact: Senior School Principal - Mrs Fitzgerald